Myths & Facts

Infertility Myths Busted

As they say, the traditional remedies hold great medicinal values, however, there are certain myths related to infertility, which we will bust here:

Women is always responsible for infertility

As per some surveys and studies, half of the time men are responsible for the identifiable cause of infertility. A malefactor is responsible in about 35% of infertile couples, and male and female factors together contribute to the problem in another 20%.

If infertile couples just relax, they would conceive right away.

One needs to be relaxed in daily life to make the right decision; however, this is truly not the case with infertility. Relaxation has nothing to do with infertility. All you need is a good medical practitioner to look after your fertility needs.

Couples can plan a baby at any age.

More than 20 million Asians of childbearing age have fertility problems. A woman’s chances of getting pregnant declines with age as half of her eggs are no longer viable. Most of the couples go for IVF and fertility treatments in such cases.

Fertility doesn’t decline in women until their late 30s or early 40s.

According to a report in the journal of human reproduction, a woman’s fertility starts declining at the age of 27. Most women of this age can still get pregnant, but it takes months of trying. By the time a woman reaches 35, the changes just get half as compared to between age of 19 and 26.

Intercourse results in conception.

When it comes to getting pregnant, timing really is everything. A man’s sperm can survive for 3 to 5 days in a woman’s reproductive tract. A woman’s optimal window for fertility starts 3 to 5 days before ovulation and ends soon after.

Intercourse results in conception.

When it comes to getting pregnant, timing really is everything. A man’s sperm can survive for 3 to 5 days in a woman’s reproductive tract. A woman’s optimal window for fertility starts 3 to 5 days before ovulation and ends soon after.

Stress doesn’t cause infertility.

A recent study in the journal Fertility and Sterility found mind-body stress-reduction programs more than doubled pregnancy rates in couples undergoing IVF.

Women can surely get pregnant on the 14th day of their cycle.

Not every woman has a 28-day cycle with ovulation occurring right in the middle. To determine your ovulation time buy an at-home fertility monitor and ovulation kit.

Birth Control pills can ruin long-term fertility.

The pills do suppress ovulation, however once a woman stops taking the pill, it no longer impacts her ability to get pregnant.

Infertility means you can’t have a child.

Infertility means that you have been unable to have a child naturally after constant efforts. Many couple have children with proper treatment and in some possible women get pregnant without any treatment if she is ovulating and has one tube open and the man has some sperm in his ejaculate.

Weight doesn’t control infertility.

Your weight can greatly impact your chances of conceiving. According to several studies, obesity lowers sperm count and poor sperm quality in men. Obesity in women causes the absence of an ovulation. However, being excessively underweight higher the risk of infertility to nearly five times as the woman with too little body fat stops ovulating or menstruating altogether.

Only women should take supplements to improve fertility.

This is a known fact that women are advised to take folic acid while conceiving to avoid any kind of birth defects, but now it is known to be an important supplement in male fertility too. University of California researchers found a higher rate of chromosomal abnormalities in male sperm when their diet was low in folic acid.

Smoking isn’t injurious to male fertility.

Smoking increases male infertility by 30%. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has estimated that up to 13% of infertility may be caused by tobacco use. Smoking as few as 5 cigarettes a day lowers fertility rate in males.

Electronics, laptops, hot tubs, and bicycles doesn’t affect semen quality.

Heat in extreme amounts can damage testes and can decline the semen quality. A recent study by Fertility and Sterility found that over usage of laptops, phones, etc, can damage the sperm motility and affect its quality. Men should avoid long bike rides and spending too much time in a hot tub. Not to worry, semen quality declines only in extreme use or regular exposure.

All sperms are healthy in a healthy man.

According to some recent studies, only 14% of the sperms have a normal shape, size, and proper movability. This is just a case, as you need just one sperm to fertilize an egg and get pregnant.

Male infertility is genetic.

Yes, infertility can be genetically passed down, and there several other factors too which contribute to male infertility. A cancer diagnosis, injury, repeated infections or immunity problems can decline the rate of male fertility.

Diet does not affect male fertility.

Men who consume high-fat diets have been found to have low sperm count. A good diet ensures a healthy lifestyle and improves fertility altogether.

Separate Health Problems doesn’t affect male fertility.

Diabetes and Liver cirrhosis can cause abnormal ejaculation in men due to nerve damage and retrograde ejaculation. During retrograde ejaculation, the semen is redirected into the bladder when muscles fail to activate. If possible, reach out to a physician to learn more.

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