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Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS)

MACS is a sperm separation technique used in A.R.T

  • It is said to separate morphologically normal sperms which displays higher potential for fertilization
  • It allows separation of good quality sperm from apoptotic sperm (Sperm programmed to die) which may be one of the causes for failure of IVF .


Method used

  • Negative selection: – Annexine V microbeads conjugated magnetic beads bind to a marker- phosphatidylserine which is present on the surface of the apoptotic sperm.

Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACS)

The sperms are exposed to a magnetic field – The sperms onto which the magnetic beads bind are trapped in the column. The sperms onto which the magnetic beads do not bind pass through- These are healthy sperms

Indications to use MACS

  • Low sperm quality - motility and morphology
  • Heavy smokers, varicocele etc.
  • Patients with more than 2 cycles with unexpected poor fertilization
  • Poor embryo quality/blastocyst rate
  • Repeated miscarriages.


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